La Salle College Debate Season Begins

The successful debating team of La Salle College opened the season with a February 20 debate against the University of Pennsylvania. “This was a radio contest, a no-decision affair.”

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale, MD), March 1937, p. 44.

NY Protectory Touted

NY Protectory Touted

NY Protectory Touted

A five-page article featured New York Catholic Protectory’s 1863 chartering; its teaching (at one time) of 22 trades; its acclaimed 75-piece band, 25-member orchestra, and 150-voice choir; its military training; and its evolution to a cottage system of childcare.

The December 1936 issue of the St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown, NY)

Manhattan Honors 1873 Graduate

On February 11, 1937, Manhattan College honored one of its oldest graduates when the Manhattan Medal was conferred on Monsignor Michael Lavelle (Class of 1873). He serves as the rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral (NY) and is the chairman of the School Board of the Archdiocese. Monsignor Lavelle is also one of the oldest priests in the US.

Saint La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale, MD), March 1937, p. 45.

Manhattan Announces New Building

Manhattan Announces New Building

Manhattan Announces New Building

Brother Patrick, President of Manhattan College, recently announced plans for the building of the new Cardinal Hayes Library. Cardinal Patrick Hayes, former Archbishop of New York, was an alumnus of Manhattan College.

Saint La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), March 1937, p. 45.
Manhattan Quarterly Returns

Manhattan Quarterly Returns

Manhattan Quarterly Returns

The “Manhattan Quarterly,” a literary magazine for the students of Manhattan College, has recently reappeared after the absence of many years. The moderator is Brother Augustine.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), December 1936, p. 29.

Knights of Columbus
Visit St. John’s Toronto

On December 19, the Knights of Columbus paid their annual visit to St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto). After an entertaining program, Santa Claus distributed a gray or blue sweatshirt plus an orange and candy to each boy.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 164

Fire in the Gym at St. John’s

On February 8, while most of the household of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) was at supper, a fire broke out in the gymnasium, but it was put out after a short time with help from the local fire brigade. The chimney at the north end of the gym would have to be repaired at a cost of $5,600.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School, p. 166.

Carnegie Corp. Gives $100,000

On February 25, Dr. F.B. Keppel of the Carnegie Corporation paid an official visit to St. Joseph’s University College in Edmonton (Alberta). The Carnegie Corporation of New York gave $100,000 to the college and called it their Alberta experiment in university education.

Bulletin of the St. De La Salle Auxiliary [Ontario], March 1937, p. 30.