St. John’s, Class is in Session

At St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), regular classes began on September 3 for 94 boys.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School, Toronto, pp. 163-164

Greenhouse Rehab Complete

The repair, repainting, and redecorating of the greenhouse was finally completed in mid-November; this project had been going on since spring.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School, Toronto, pp. 163-164

To The Movies

On October 8, the boys of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) were the guests of the Kingswood Theatre in the afternoon. They watched Shirley Temple in “Captain January” and Charlie Chase [sic] in “Public Ghost No. 1.” There was also a short baseball film starring Dizzy Dean and Daffy Dean.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School, Toronto, pp. 163-164

Numbers at Oaklands

Classes resumed at De La Salle “Oaklands” on September 7, with 300 boys registered. There are 30 boarders, and these young men are directed by Brother S. Claudius; he is assisted by a French Canadian Brother from Montreal. By September 27, the student population was 346, of whom 32 are boarders. “Our boarding accommodation is filled right up,” wrote the Brother chronicler. This new school year, the Community at “Oaklands” consists of 19 Brothers, led by Brother S. Alfred (Director) and Brother S. Wilfred, (Sub-Director).

Annals of the De La Salle “Oaklands” Community, 1931-2001, pp. 49-52.

Annual Commencement at DLS College

On October 8, the annual Commencement of De La Salle College was held at De La Salle Hall on Farnham Avenue. Bishop Johnson, newly consecrated bishop of Nelson (Ontario), presided. About 40 boys received either Junior or Honor Matriculation certificates.

Annals of the De La Salle “Oaklands” Community, 1931-2001, pp. 49-52.