Guest Speakers, New Residence Hall at La Salle

During October, guest presenters at La Salle College included Wernher von Braun, Frank Sheed, and Katherine Anne Porter. In addition, two new residence hall for 150 students is now under roof.

News Briefs of Baltimore, October 1961, p. 4.

CBA Syracuse Dedication October 1

The dedication of the new Christian Brothers Academy in suburban Syracuse was on Sunday, October 1, by Bishop Walter Foery, Bishop of Syracuse. The crowd was estimated by local newspapers as 10,000. Six color guards, including the Knights of St. John and Knights of Columbus, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marines, and American Legion, joined in the raising of the American flag and the salute to the Colors. Bishop Foery donated $700,000 for the new school and the 25 acre site worth approximately $200,000.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 1 and pp. 13-14
Bishop Bradley (NH) Opens

Bishop Bradley (NH) Opens

Bishop Bradley (NH) Opens

The brand-new Bishop Bradley HS (Manchester, NH) opened on September 5 for freshman and sophmores, with juniors and seniors reporting the next day. The Brothers’ house is not quite complete; the Brothers use the school chapel because the house chapel is unfinished, but all are coping well.

The first Mass was held in the Bishop Bradley Brothers’ House chapel was celebrated on October 13, and the first snowfall of the Manchestrian winter came just two days later! The big athletic event that autumn was Bradley’s hosting the New England Catholic Cross Country Championship; La Salle Academy (Providence) won the 15-school event, with Bradley finishing fourth.

On Thanksgiving Day, Bishop Bradley defeated Manchester Memorial, 52-12. This victory clinched the city and state titles for the football team (7-3 overall).

LI-NE District Newsletter, October 15, 1961, p. 3.; LI-NE District Newsletter, November 15, 1961, p. 7.; LI-NE District Newsletter, December 15, 1961, p. 5.

Mater Christi HS Opens

Mater Christi HS Opens

Mater Christi HS Opens

The brand-new Mater Christi HS (Queens) opened its doors to 400 young men, representing every parish in Queens. The pioneer faculty consists of ten Brothers and five lay teachers. The Brothers’ house has completed bedrooms, but during the first month the kitchen/dining room, recreation room and common room were still under construction. During the opening weeks, the Brothers journeyed each night to Riccardo’s (nearby restaurant with various entertainers most nights), where they were guests of the Diocese. One night, a female vocalist took particular interest in singing the hit song “Aren’t I Pretty?” to the restaurant’s clientele, “including a retiring second year monk.”

Other growing pains at Mater Christi during the first few months included the half-completed gym, which served as the student cafeteria during that time. An innovation in each Brother’s bedroom is an electric buzzer to both receive and send out messages–“a new toy for some.” The school colors (green and white) have been chosen, but not yet a sports nickname and mascot.

LI-NE District Newsletter, October 15, 1961, p. 6.; LI-NE District Newsletter, November 15, 1961, pp. 4-5.

District-Owned College Discussed

“The establishment of a District-owned college is an objective that we hope to achieve in the next few years.” The District Council and the Provincial will be exploring options.

LI-NE District Newsletter, October 15, 1961, p. 1.

Weekend Stay for Military Students

A new regulation at La Salle Military Academy (Oakdale, NY) this year is that all freshmen remain on the campus during the first three weekends. There were so many activities during this time, however, that few succumbed to homesickness.

LI-NE District Newsletter, October 15, 1961, p. 5.

Commencement at DLS Held

The annual Commencement exercises at De La Salle (Oaklands) were held on November 3, with a local monsignor as the speaker. 43 Seniors and 85 Juniors graduated.

Annals of the De La Salle Community, 1931-2001, pp 143-144

Old Boy’s Banquet Held

The Old Boys’ Banquet was held in the De La Salle (Oaklands) cafeteria on November 30. Mr. Norman Warewas chosen as Man of the Year.

Annals of the De La Salle Community, 1931-2001, pp 143-144

St. John’s Classes Under Way

Classes resumed in a new school year at St. John’s Training School (Uxbridge, Ontario) on Tuesday, September 5.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School, Toronto/Uxbridge, pp. 364-367

New St. Raymond’s, Bronx, Planned

A contract was signed for a new St. Raymond’s HS (Bronx). The contract for St. Raymond’s HS was signed on October 19. “The terms are very acceptable to both parties and the new High School is something to see. The two pastors are to be commended for their excellent work in converting a sturdy, spacious Consolidated Edison garage into a well equipped, well-built high school.

News Briefs of Baltimore, November 1961, p. 2.; New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 1.

DLS Collegiate Expansion Planning; Strong Opening

Plans are being drawn for the expansion (classrooms, offices and activity rooms) of De La Salle Collegiate in Detroit. The school opened with 700 students, of whom 215 are freshmen.

News Briefs of Baltimore, November 1961, p. 2.; New York Newsletter, Oct. 1, 1961, p. 2.

Boys’ High School Opens

The Boys’ High School opened in September in the newly renovated building on St. Raymond Avenue and Purdy Street (formerly a Con-Edison warehouse). The four Brothers on the faculty are augmented by two laymen under the administration of Brother Andrian Martin.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, pp. 9-10

School Delayed Due to Emergency Repair

The school year of 1961-62 at Incarnation School (NY) was delayed for two days due to a $36,000 repair job ordered by the Fire Department. The students did not seem to mind!

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 7.

St. Mary’s Yonkers 100 Years

St. Mary's Yonkers 100 Years

St. Mary’s Yonkers 100 Years

St. Mary’s Parish in Yonkers, where the Brothers conduct a parish school, is celebrating its 100th anniversary.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 8

St. Peter’s HS Richmond Location Phased Out

St. Peter’s HS (Staten Island) is now on Henderson Avenue only. The old Boys’ Department at the Richmond Terrace location (1917-1920 and 1930-1961) has now been phased out. In addition, on September 16, a representative group marched behind the St. Peter’s HS banner in the Tercentennial Parade, the “biggest yet” on Staten Island.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 8.

CBA Lincroft Dedicated

Brother Adelbert James delivered the address at the dedication of CBA Academy (Lincroft) on October 29. About 3,000 guests are anticipated for the big event.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, pp. 10-11; p. 19

5 AWOL at Lincoln Hall; All-Time Low

Only five boys have run away from the Lincoln Hall campus as AWOL since Labor Day—an all-time low. The previous average for September alone was 27 absconders.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 13.

Personalized Desks at La Salle Academy NYC

At La Salle Academy (2nd Street, NYC), a new experiment called “personalized desks” has begun. It operates with each boy owning the same desk for a four-year tenure, which should reduce the “carving” habit to a minimum. Meanwhile, in the Brothers’ House there, the new common room is a delight to all who remember what a den it used to be. The old desks were removed and in their place are lounge chairs, lamps, new ceiling lights, bright linoleum and drapes. “This room is now our little oasis.”

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 14.

Cardinal Spellman Leads in Donations

The boys of Cardinal Spellman HS placed first in the NY District, and 10th in the nation, in the report of Christian Brothers Mission contributions during the past year.

New York Newsletter, Dec. 1, 1961, p. 12.

Bomb Shelter at La Salle Albany

La Salle School (Albany) is looking into the bomb shelter program, with funds allocated for this project. If the project is not carried out fully, the shelters could be used as garages.

New York Newsletter, Dec. 1, 1961, p. 13.

Language Lab at Oaklands Opens

In September, De La Salle “Oaklands” opened its new language laboratory. Brother Richard was the promoter of this “great new undertaking.” The equipment and installation cost $12,000 (Canadian), $9,500 of which by the De La Salle Oaklands Auxiliary.

Annals of the De La Salle Community, 1931-2001, pp 143-144