During the coronavirus pandemic, the welfare of our Brothers in senior Communities has been of utmost importance. All precautions were taken to ensure their safety, even if it meant restricting some aspects of their communal life as Brothers. Meals have been served in shifts so that seating could be spread out, or in some cases, served in the room or the resident. Even communal prayer, a mainstay of the Brothers life, was curtailed. Visitors were ceased, and all staff were checked for fever or symptoms each time they arrived. With the extended wellness time within each house, and with the nicer weather, our senior communities are finding ways to allow the Brothers to enjoy the fresh air, and the company of their Brothers.
The first sign of this was on May 15th at our nursing home, De La Salle Hall in Lincroft NJ, (pictured here) when communal prayers were celebrated under the awning on the back patio. In June, you could see Brothers taking walks on the grounds, or just enjoying a peaceful moment in the sun. Please continue to keep the health of our seniors in your prayers.
I hope that will be Christian Brothers’ brand wine going into that considerable size glass the Brother is holding. Or has he already finished one off ?