Eatontown, NJ – Two dozen confreres participated in the Senior Brothers Trip last week. Special thanks to Brother Robert Hazard for creating the itinerary and tending to the details. Enjoyable experiences in Newport, RI and Cape Cod, MA created good memories for the Brothers on the bus.

Contact Brother Robert or any of the following Brothers for stories about their adventure: Ed Adams, Peter Arpin, John Buckley, Jerome Cox, Robert Deary, John Gavin, Brendan Gerrity, Charles Gresh, Louis Jaeger, Richard Kestler, Joe Mahon, John McDonnell, Leonard Marsh, Emery Mollenhauer, Ed Phelan, Dominic Smith, Jerome Sullivan, John McMahon, Vincent Pelletier, Michael Toan Thai, Anthony Scotto, James Wallace, and Robert Wilsbach.