Brother Dennis Malloy, Visitor, receives the following official notification concerning the District of Eastern North America from Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, Superior General.

Rome 14 September 09

Brother AlvaroDear Brother Dennis,

I and the General Council offer our congratulations to you and all the Brothers and Partners of the new District of Eastern North America. We were pleased to approve this newest district in the Institute at our September 9, 2009 meeting.

The process of restructuring that you undertook to create the new district is worthy of emulation by other districts of the Institute. The initial assembly at Friar Tuck in 2004, the inspirational Holy Week retreat in Fernwood Pennsylvania in 2006, the mission assembly in 2008 and the culminating constitutive assembly this past August ensured wide participation and thorough dialogue and reflection. As a result, the decisions reached during your August assembly are both pragmatic and visionary.

Restructuring creates a new Exodus that allows us to catch a glimpse of the Promised Land; it launches us toward a horizon of open creativity to flexible diverse new forms; it takes us out of our routine lives and opens us to new opportunities of educational service both within the boundaries of the new District and borders beyond. In your own words Brother Dennis you eloquently stated such when you wrote these words in your first letter announcing the new District to the Brothers and Partners:

The fundamental motivation for taking this action was the choice for new life together and in association with our Partners, to revitalize our mission of education and evangelization to young people, especially those who are from challenging economic circumstances; for the renewal of our lives as Religious men and for the future of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Eastern North America.

The proud heritage of the Baltimore, Long Island-New England, New York and Toronto Districts place the District of Eastern North America on a firm foundation. We are confident that you and all associated for the Lasallian mission will build upon this foundation and accomplish great things for the poor and the young today in the eastern United States, English-speaking Canada and beyond.

Be assured of our prayers and best wishes,


Brother Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria
Superior General