The first-ever Christian Brothers to teach in the United States arrived in Annapolis (MD) after sailing from France for 65 days. These pioneers (Brothers Aubin, Fulgence, and Antonin) would soon depart for Bardstown (KY) to study English. They would eventually open the first (albeit short-lived) Lasallian school in the United States at Ste. Genevieve (MO), about 60 miles south of St. Louis, from 1819 to 1821. All three eventually withdrew from the Brothers because the local bishop split up the community and assigned each member to a different section of his far-flung diocese.

Brother Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The Christian Brothers in the United States 1848-1948 A Century of Catholic Education (New York Declan McMullen Co., 1948), pp. 50-52.