Author of the newly published Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, Sister Elizabeth Johnson ’70, CSJ, Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University, will visit Manhattan College’s campus on Oct. 7 to present as part of the Religion Matters program, which explores religion as a vital facet of human experience and culture. The event will be held in the Raymond W. Kelly ’63 Student Commons, Conference Room 5C starting at 4 p.m.

Johnson predominately teaches and writes about the mystery of God, Jesus Christ, Mary, the saints, science and religion, the problem of suffering, ecological ethics and issues related to justice for women. She is the author of Quest for the Living God: Mapping Frontiers in Theology of God (2007), Dangerous Memories: A Mosaic of Mary in Scripture (2004), and Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints (2003). Earlier works of Johnson’s include: Consider Jesus: Waves of Renewal in Christology (1990); She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse (1992); Women, Earth, and Creator Spirit (1993); and Friends of God and Prophets: A Feminist Theological Reading of the Communion of Saints (1998).

In addition, Johnson is the editor of The Church Women Want (2002), and she has written more than 100 essays in scholarly journals, chapters in edited books and articles in popular journals. In the past, Johnson also served as a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, the oldest and largest society of theologians in the world, and as a former president of the American Theological Society, an ecumenical group of theologians.

After graduating from Catholic high school, Johnson joined the religious order of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. She completed a B.S. from Brentwood College, an M.A. in theology from Manhattan College, and a Ph.D. in theology from The Catholic University of America, and is also the recipient of 14 honorary doctorates including one from Manhattan College.

The Oct. 7 event is presented by the Religious Studies department, and the local community is invited to attend.

For more information about the event, please contact Michele Saracino, Ph.D., professor of religious studies, at (718) 862-7412 or email