photo 1On Thursday, March 20, 2014, at Saint Raphael Academy, students from 5 Catholic High Schools in RI held the 6th annual Homeless Sleep Out.  The purpose of this event was to bring together students from across the State who are concerned about the issue of Homelessness in RI.

Students from St. Raphael Adademy, LaSalle Academy, Bishop Hendricken, The Prout School, and St. Mary Academy-Bayview, all gathered at Alumni Hall at Saint Raphael Academy at 7pm on Thursday evening.   Students heard a presentation on Hunger and Homelessness by Janice Luongo, Executive Director of Mary House.

photo 2They attended Mass concelebrated by the chaplains of the participating high schools, then assembled personal care packets that were donated to the Breadline, which gives out food and personal care items to people in need in Providence.  Students also wrote letters to legislators advocating for affordable housing and bills in the Legislature aimed at preventing homelessness. Before going outside to sleep, they viewed a movie about the effects of poverty and homelessness on children and teens.

Students have raised money, through pledges and donations, for the Keep the Heat On Campaign. Over 200 students and teachers from the 5 schools participated.  The event concluded with a short prayer service at 6:30 am on Friday morning.