Br. James Rieck (center) is presented his induction to the LSCHS Hall of Fame by school President Br. Richard Kestler, FSC and Mr. Ron Bean ’86, the current President of the Alumni Association.
3/31/12 – Wyndmoor, PA / Troy, NY / Freeport, NY — On Sunday, March 4, 2012, La Salle College High School inducted Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57, Christian Brother and Educator, and Mr. Frank Cervone, ’75, Attorney and Child Advocate, into the Alumni Hall of Fame at the annual Alumni Communion Breakfast. Over 300 alumni and friends were in attendance as these men took their place on the Alumni Hall of Fame wall alongside sixty-seven other honorees.
The honor came in recognition of Brother’s commitment to Catholic Education as well as for his twenty-five years of dedicated service to La Salle College High School, where he has been an administrator, teacher, and moderator. He also served as Director of Admissions for eighteen years, assisting La Salle to achieve its all time high record in admissions. During his time at La Salle, Brother also assumed the role of school photographer, capturing almost every significant event in the lives of its students. Brother James has also helped in the school’s very active Campus Ministry program. Over the last ten years, he has been a leader on twenty-nine Kairos retreats and has accompanied students on service trips to St. Michael Indian School in Arizona. Brother James is the sixth Christian Brother to be inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame.

Br. Peter Furlong (left) is presented the Br. James L. Romond FSC Award by La Salle Institute’s President, Br. Carl Malacalza, FSC
Brother Peter Furlong, FSC was honored on March 24th by La Salle Institute at the Brother James L. Romond FSC Gala and Auction. Br. Peter received the prestigious Br. James L. Romond FSC Award, named after the Institute’s Brother President from 1982-2000. Considered a visionary leader, full of faith and zeal until his passing in 2000, the award is given to those best exemplify the spirit in which Br. James lived. Educators who bring Jesus to their students in their own special way, following in the Lasallian charism, and show total dedication to their ministry are considered by committee. Exuding prayerfulness in all he does, Br. Peter, who has been at La Salle Institute since 1987, was selected for the award this year.
“There are many similarities between Brother James and Brother Peter Furlong. There are two signs in the beautiful prayer garden near the front of the school. One is a quote from our Founder, St. La Salle, reads “the greatest miracle you can perform is to touch the hearts ofthe children you teach”. Brother Peter does that every morning when he publically makes a meaningful and prayerful reflection to the student body and staff. He reminds everyone about the important things in our lives and asks them to take the message into their hearts drawing upon his own prayerful experiences to impart this message. The second sign in that garden is in honor of Dr. Porcelli who was our school physician for many years. The sign reads: “Take a moment to return to that sacred space inside your heart where peace is just a prayer away”. Brother Peter is a very prayerful person as evidenced by his life with us, his Brothers, and with the different prayer groups that he attends in neighboring parishes. A third sign inside our school is also a quote from our Founder where he told early Brothers to “Look upon everything with the eyes of Faith”. Brother Peter is truly a man of faith in God’s goodness and healing… He is a man of kindness, prayerfulness, helpfulness, a man who is faith-filled and trusting; a man who is communicative and a man who does not hide the light of his spiritual gifts under a bushel but shares them with so many others.”

Br. Thomas Casey (right) receiving The President’s Medal from the President of Molloy College, Drew Bogner, Ph.D.
Molloy College honored Brother Thomas Casey, FSC, on March 30th by awarding him the President’s Medal. At the time of its presentation, this Long Island college explained this honor thus: “The De La Salle School opened in 2002. It nurtures each student’s growth spiritually, academically, socially, and physically in collaboration with his parent(s) or guardian(s). It emphasizes respect, responsibility, leadership, and service, thereby preparing the young men to be caring citizens of the world . . . Every morning at the De La Salle Academy, students state this affirmation: ‘I give back to help those less fortunate than myself.’ Since the school’s inception, Brother Thomas and the school’s staff, in collaboration with the students’ parents, have challenged minds, touched hearts and transformed lives. As a religious Brother, an educator, and a friend to many, Brother Thomas is constantly giving back and is admired by many. It is with great respect that we honor him today with the President’s Medal.”