
Mr. Awiapo presents to the entire SJCI student body.

Buffalo, NY – As part of the District of Eastern North America (DENA) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Global High School program, students of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute received a special visit. Mr. Thomas Awiapo, CRS Global Solidarity Coordinator for CRS Ghana came to SJCI for a presentation and to thank the young men and the St. Joe’s Lasallian Family for participating in the Global High School program in support of CRS.

Awiapo shared his personal story, growing up in Ghana, with little to his name and constantly in search of basic needs like food and water. Through the power  of education he was able to pull himself out of poverty, and today helps others through his work with CRS, training community leaders throughout Ghana, and providing for his wife and four children.

Mr. Awiapo’s visit was sponsored by Ms. Katie Kernich who, along with CRS, has collaborated with DENA’s Office for Mission and Ministry to create this unique Global High School initiative. SJCI teacher, Anthony Shilen, has helped to implement the Global High School program at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, which is now a Gold Level CRS school.