St. John’s students play soccer with San Miguel Students

Students play dodgeball in the St. John’s gymnasium
05/25/2012- Washington D.C- St. John’s College High School Lasallian Youth hosted the San Miguel School for a field day on the St. John’s campus. The students from San Miguel were divided into six teams and competed in dodge ball, kick ball, and soccer. Each game lasted forty minutes and then the teams rotated and played a different game against a different set of classmates. The whole morning ran smoothly thanks to the great amount of advanced planning done by juniors Dan Tracey and Aidan Winters. Nearly thirty St. John’s students helped as group leaders and referees for the games. Thanks also to the St. John’s faculty members who spent the morning helping supervise the field day.
After a packed morning of activity, all the San Miguel students and Lasallian Youth members enjoyed lunch together. The meal came together with help from the Father’s Club that provided the grill – special thanks to Mr. Shepp who did the hot dog grilling, and the Student Government Association who provided the funds for the hot dogs, chips, and drinks with a fund-raiser.
After lunch, and a bit of rest, there was time for one more game, Capture the Flag. First, the San Miguel students were pitted against each other, and then it was St. John’s vs San Miguel.
The day was a huge success, lots of fun for the students from San Miguel as well as for the Lasallian Youth members. This could be the beginning of a great end of the school year tradition.