A day of community and camaraderie for supporters of the mission

5/15/13 – Bronxville, NY — Brothers and former Brothers gathered for food and festivity on the Feast Day of the Founder. Coordinated by Mr. John Hannaway and Mr. James Casey, the Signum Fidei Society comes together from across the New York tri-state area and beyond annually to celebrate community and association in its own special way, and remembers those Christian Brothers and Novitiate classmates that have passed on throughout the year.

Once dedicated to the Christian Brothers’ vocation, many of the Signum Fidei Society have since stepped away from the Institute, but still very much believe and live the ideals of St. John Baptist de La Salle, many giving to different ministries and causes of The Institute. To be a patron at J.C. Fogarty’s, or casually walking by on the Bronxville sidewalk, one would have heard the joyous conversations and trips down memory lane, or been a priveledged audience to a booming and passionate rendition of the Christian Brothers’ “Honneur A Toi,” a truly fitting way to celebrate the Patron Saint of Teachers.