Bronx, NY – Winners of a contest that asked borough residents to share their community’s stories were recently celebrated.

The New York City Police Foundation celebrated four winners of their #MyBronxStory campaign that encouraged local residents to share experiences about their communities in an effort to foster better community and police relations and more understanding of each other.

Shenia Rudolph, Francinia Casimiro, Rafael Reyes and Daniel Josephs took home prizes and bragging rights at a ceremony that took place at St. Raymond’s High School for Boys on Thursday, November 30.

St. Raymond alumni Terence Monahan, NYPD Chief of Patrol; police officer Joseph Ayala and Alden Foster, NYPD deputy director were also honored by their alma mater for their contributions to making the city a better place.

#MyBronxStory participants submitted essays, videos and group of photographs to illustrate the varied communities they come from and their own experiences.

The St. Raymond High School for Boys students’ involvement in #MyBronxStories included making videos about their own ‘Bronx tales’, visiting police at headquarters, and meeting with cops during the November 30 event, said Jimmie Sturgis, St. Raymond college counselor.

“The main thing was to strengthen the relationship with the police department and the residents of the community,” said Sturgis, adding “the most important thing is that they were heard in speaking about their community and how police and community could better work together.”

Click here for the full story and to learn more about contest winners.