Alan Outeiral was Nominated to Attend Week-Long Government Workshop in Nations Capitol


10/1012 – Bronx, NY – St. Raymond senior Alan Outeiral attended the National Youth Leadership Forum on National Security in Washington, DC from October 2-7, 2012. The National Youth Leadership Forum offers educational leadership forums on a variety of topics and career fields. Outeiral explored American diplomacy, intelligence and defense during this week long workshop focusing on National Defense.

Students were provided with an inside look at the career opportunities available, as well as interacting with highly regarded, senior civilian policy makers and military officers. The National Youth Leadership Forum programs are offered on a variety of topics, including medicine and law and scholarships are often available for those who are nominated to participate.

“I’m not sure who nominated me but I’m so grateful,” said Outeiral. ‘This was an amazing opportunity that I won’t forget.”

Topics at the Forum included “Insider’s Perspective on Defense” presented by a Department of Defense representative. “Counterintelligence and National Security” presented by CIA and FBI representatives and “The Dual Mission of the United States Secret Service Agent” presented by a current special agent, along with many special presentations from Senators, professors and other Government officials.

In addition, more than 365 program participants toured many of the Capitol’s most famous landmarks and monuments, including the National World War II Memorial, Capital Building, Andrews Air Force Base, Pentagon, U.S. Naval Academy, National Museum of Natural History, Arlington National Cemetery and the White House.

This forum was hosted at the National 4-H Conference Center and enabled Outeiral to earn college credit. He hopes to attend University of Tampa and study Business Economics after graduating from St. Raymond.

Outeiral, a New York Marine cadet, hopes to become a Marine after earning his Bachelors Degree. “It’s important for me to earn a degree first,” said Outeiral. “Becoming a Marine is largely a family thing but I know I want to study Business or Economics first.”

He was born and raised in Puerto Rico and transferred to St. Raymond High School for Boys last year. He is currently a senior and looking forward to graduation.