Dear Brothers and Lasallian Colleagues,
Happy Easter! May the Risen Lord remain in yours hearts. You were remembered in our prayers during the Easter Vigil held at the Church of St. Vincent Strambi in Bull Savannah and in the communities and churches where the Brothers who were at home worshipped.
The focus of this months’ newsletter is the visits from Brothers and staff of DENA and our Form 3 and 4 classes.
Brother Dennis Malloy, accompanied by Maryann Donohue-Lynch, made his pastoral visit to the community from April 29 to May 1. In addition to meeting with community members individually and in a group, Brother Dennis met with Bishop Neil Tiedemann, CP in Mandeville, and with faculty and students at SVS. Maryann strengthened her ties with The Mustard Seed Communities with a visit to the program in Spur Tree, Manchester. She visited classes and met with Mrs. Kayla Morgan-Jones, Vice-Principal to discuss service opportunities.
Brother Dennis informed me of the generosity of the DENA Brothers and communities to the Visitor’s Appeal. Thank you for making possible the continuation of a Lasallian education to the poor young people in this rural area of Jamaica.
We were happy to welcome Brother James Dries back to SVS for a week-long visit to the community and school where he visited classes.
Because of the generosity of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Buffalo, NY, we now have 12 iPads being used in Form 4 classes in anticipation of the online LEAP courses that will be offered in the 2015-2016 school year. Thank you St. Joseph Collegiate!
May you enjoy a blessed spring and end of the year!
Brother Gus
- Form 3, the largest class with 22 students, is pictured in the church after the 1st Friday Mass celebrated by Fr. Michael Rowe, C.P.
- Form 3 government students who are assigned to SVS by the Ministry of Education to receive a more individualized instruction that the school offfers.
- Form 4 students, along with Ms. Bent, teacher, attended a retreat at Our Lady of Dunsinane on April 28th. Brother Gus, Brian Clarke, and Rich Ward were presenters.
- Some of the Form 4 Government students.
- Form 4 students in Ms. Spencer’s science class practice on the recently donated iPads by St. Joseph Collegiate Institute, Buffalo, NY in preparation for the two online LEAP courses next year.