Dear Brothers and Lasallian Colleagues,

Lenten Blessings!

On Mardi Gras, February 17th, the school community celebrated Jamaica Day, a celebration of the national heritage and culture with singing, dancing and drama performances by the faculty and students. Throughout the building posters were hung representing the political, cultural, social, athletic, and national symbols of Jamaica. After Ash Wednesday, a National holiday, school was closed for a two-day mid-term break.

The focus of this newsletter is the Skills Program, which includes Carpentry and Home Economics, five year programs of theory and practicum. The students pictured in this issue attend skills class four times a week, and the programs provide them with skills to insure their success in life.

Carpentry students learn the “tools of the trade”, and design, measure, cut wood, sand, and assemble a variety of household items, such as napkins holders, paper towel dispensers, picture frames, serving trays, and wine racks. They use drills, planers, routers, sanders and table saws that can provide jobs in home construction and as a joiner or a finishing carpenter.

Home Economics includes foods and nutrition and clothing and textiles. Topics include the food groups, hygiene and safety, kitchen equipment, cooking methods, and how to prepare salads and desserts and a variety of meats. Students also learn about the types of fabrics, stitching, and fabric printing and can obtain jobs in hotels, restaurants, and dress and tailor shops.

I hope you will be generous in giving to the Visitor’s Appeal so that we can purchase additional projectors and smart boards for the classrooms. Thank you, generous benefactors!

Sincerely in our Patrons St. John Baptist De La Salle and St. Vincent Strambi,
Brother Gus