Bull Savannah, PA – The Jamaican Christmas season came to an unofficial end with the resumption of classes on Monday, January 4th. Four weeks of classes were followed by a week of semester exams and the usual tedium of marking exams and posting grades. At the same time, our Form 5 students (Grade 11) registered for the all-important Caribbean Examination Council exams in each subject as well as the venerable City and Guilds exams out of England. Our “seniors” will sit these lengthy and comprehensive national exams in May.

The Prime Minister of our island home called for elections and Jamaicans all over the island exercised their franchise and cast votes on Thursday, February 25th. In addition to an unanticipated school holiday on Election Day, a new government was voted into power.

Report Cards were distributed during a parent’s meeting in early March. As usual, there were smiles as well as tears as both parents and students passed through the school gate to catch transport back to their villages and towns.

Brother James Dries was fortunate enough to be able to attend the yearly chief administrators meeting of all the Lasallian schools in the region which was held in San Antonio, Texas. The input from the speakers and the presence of so many committed Brothers and Lasallian colleagues was a source of encouragement and zeal for me as Brother James returned to our mission here in Jamaica.

The pictures in this issue of the Strambi News gives you a glimpse into the everyday life of our school, our students, our community, and our island home. Continue to remember that we not only belong to an international Institute but also an inter-national District!

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