Dear Brothers, Lasallian Colleagues and Friends,

I wrote my last letter during the quiet of exam week back in December. I write you now with less than a month remaining in the second term and from our annual Sports Day scheduled for early April. The cool evening breezes and dry days of the last few months are gradually giving way to warm, humid days and late afternoon rain showers.

We were blessed to have our Auxiliary Visitor, Brother Dennis Lee, spend time with us in January. His visit to the school, sessions with our students, and fraternal meeting with the Brothers’ Community made real and strengthened our vow of Association with our Brothers and Lasallian Partners on the “mainland”. The two students in the picture of Brother Dennis escorted him on a tour of our campus. Shortly after Brother Den-nis’ visit, we had our first PTA meeting of the year; an occasion for parents and guardians to meet with their child’s teachers and to receive the report card for the first term which ended before Christmas. PTA meetings, no matter the country or culture, have the same feel and atmosphere. Overall, it was a very good afternoon for parents and faculty.

Click here for the rest of Brother James’ letter and the whole newsletter.