Bull Savannah, P.A, Jamaica

Dear Brothers, Lasallian Colleagues and Friends,

Ash Wednesday, Lent and now the 50 days of the Easter Season have been the backdrop to the many activities and events here at St. Vincent Strambi Catholic High School.

We began the Lenten season with a day off from school; Ash Wednesday is a national holiday here in Jamaica as is Good Friday and Easter Monday.  A Lasallian Volunteer visited us for a few days.  Jeff Lucia, an LV working in  Wisconsin, came to Jamaica to explore a possible placement for the next school year.  It is our hope some-time in the not too distant future to have LVs assisting us in our work down here on our island in the sun.

School activities during this time of year have included the annual Sports Day as well as Jamaica Day.  Sports Day, a competition between the Yellow, Green, Red and Purple Houses (think Hogwarts and Harry Potter) includ-ed foot races, volley ball, soccer, sack races, a competitive academic quiz and other activities both athletic, non – athletic or just plain fun. Take note of the pictures in this issue of the Strambi News.  Jamaica Day is our an-nual cultural awareness day.  The school was decorated with    pictures of Jamaicans of note, past and present, and the day itself featured a program filled with Jamaican song, dance, recitations, poetry, and cultural awareness.  All of this acts like a calm before the storm:  our 5th Formers (Grade 11) begin to sit their all-important external exams during the month of May.

On April 3rd the Community attended the Year of Mercy Liturgy at the Cathedral along with most of the other     religious in the diocese.  There was a good representation of people from the various parishes in the diocese.  We also took a three-day day holiday in the beach town of Negril before we attended the Triduum services in our local parish.

Our school year ends in late June so we have a good two months of school before report cards are finally distrib-uted on July 4th.  We continue to be appreciative of your support both spiritual and material.  May God bless you as the warmer days of spring echo the joy of Easter with growth and new life.

Brother James Dries, FSC

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