The entire school celebrated the Feast of St. LaSalle during the morning assembly today. After morning praise of songs and prayers led by Ms. Raddish, Brother James introduced a video of the life of LaSalle. Form Four students responded with the reading of various quotes from St. LaSalle. An interlude of “Smile” was shown as students sang along to the words. While Mrs. Morgan-Jones introduced the “Rules for Civility and Decorum”, three students enacted them on stage to the amusement of the school. Brother James explained the life of the Christian Brothers, and Brother Anthony spoke about the “Lessons Learned from St. LaSalle”, calling upon students to explain their own life’s goals and how they would attain these goals. The celebration ended with Honneur a’ Toi. Friday is a school holiday in honor of St. LaSalle; the faculty and staff will celebrate Teacher’s Appreciation Day with a trip and lunch along the coast.

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