SVS-News-2015-GraduatesDear Brothers and Lasallian Colleagues,

As I write, our Form 5 students are sitting for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams which determine entrance to university in September.  Six Form 5 students in the government program are preparing for the City & Guild Examinations next month. All the students are looking forward to Graduation Day on Saturday, June 13th. In this months’ newsletter I present to you the 2015 graduation class of St. Vincent Strambi.

The Enrollment Campaign to increase the student population is underway with the school’s first brochure and poster and teams of teachers and students visiting the local primary schools, churches and businesses to get the word out that SVS is “An Achieving School That Makes a Difference.”

Congratulations to our Drama Club for receiving the Charles Hyatt Award for Acting at the JCDC national competition in Kingston earlier this month.

Thank you Brothers and DENA communities for the generous gift of $20,000 to the Visitor’s Appeal.  Also, thank you students of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, NY, who attended the “St. Joe’s Rocks for Jamaica, on May 15th, raising over $1300 for SVS. I enjoyed the live Skype with you that evening.

This is the last opportunity for me to thank all our readers for the encouragement and support you have given me in my two years as Principal.  We are off to a good start, a solid foundation has been laid but more needs to be accomplished.  I leave Jamaica next month to resume my ministry in the Education Department at Manhattan College.

Please have an enjoyable and safe summer!
Brother  Gus