Dear Brothers, Lasallian Colleagues and Friends,

This last edition of the Strambi News for the 2015-16 academic year features our Graduation as well as recent Community and faculty events. Friday, June 24, was our last day of school and internal exams.
June saw the completion of the very lengthy external exams that our Form 5 students sit in each of their subjects. Most of our Form 5 students sat for upwards of 6 examinations. Graduation and Prize Giving on June 18 was held in the school hall which was well decorated by faculty members and graduates themselves.
The 19 graduates, faculty, family members and guests were treated to entertainment, speeches, and the all-important distribution of diplomas and awards. The student address by Celine Barrant and Abigail Myers was well received by all in attendance. The special guest speaker, the 25 year old Dr. Marcus Lee, a local resident, inspired our students with his own story as a “child of the soil” who attained a goal he set for himself while in high school.
The community welcomed all of our female teachers and staff members to a TGIF gathering in our community house to balance the Super Bowl Sunday fiesta held for the male staff members. During the past month our community has hosted many farewell dinners for missionaries who are returning to their home.
As usual, we are indebted to you for your prayers, best wishes, and generous financial support. This is a special thank you to the many communities in the District that designated monies for St Vincent Strambi through the Visitor’s Appeal. Pray God to protect us all during the summer months.

Brother James Dries, FSC

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