Dear Brothers, Lasallian Colleagues and Friends,

I am writing this letter for the Strambi News during the quiet of exam week here at school. This is a noisy building with noisier teenagers, so the contrast during these examination days is startling. There is a balmy breeze blowing through the office which ripples the drapes that offer some shelter from the hot sun.
It is also the second week of Advent. The faculty organized a caroling service during morning assembly and our pastor, Father Paul, celebrated school Mass last week to celebrate the Advent Season and to pray the Holy Spirit guide our students during examination time.
November and December have been active months for us here in Bull Savannah. Local elections were held to fill positions in the “civil parish” government…election day was a holiday for schools! The Diocese of Mandeville sponsored its 25th Annual Art Show which the community and many of the staff members attended. Our football team (soccer) played a short season, did not win a game, but enjoyed the opportunity to work up a sweat and gain some notoriety from their classmates. We continued with our House competitions. The four Houses competed in our first inter-House Spelling Bee. Each House had two competitors, one each from the lower school and the upper school, grades 7-9 and grades 10-11. Earlier in the month the District Administration was present on campus in the person of Mr. Alan Weyland who spent time visiting with and talking to faculty and students.
Our work here, providing a human and Christian education to the young especially the children of the working class and the poor, is a testimony to the fidelity of the Brothers of the District. Your moral support, your prayers, your messages of good will and especially your financial support are indispensable to the success of our students on this little island in the sun.
May God bless you all and we send you our thanks and of-fer our prayers for you this Christmas season.

Brother James Dries, FSC

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