Bull Savannah, PA – The Christmas breezes have been blowing through Bull Savannah the past few weeks. Very windy and breezy, palm trees blowing in the wind but very muggy and humid afternoons. Different weather, no doubt, than you have in New York, Providence, Philadelphia, and the many other locations that this newsletter reaches. The last month has seen a variety of social events, liturgical celebrations and fund-raising activities both for our school and for the Diocese of Mandeville. For many years, now, the Diocese of Mandeville has sponsored an Art Show highlighting Jamaican artists. This gala event supports the many ministries and programs of the Diocese and draws many of the influential people in Mandeville as well as the surrounding areas. The Brothers’ Community and 9 other staff members attended this event which was held at the Don Bosco home, a Mercy Sister’s work here in Jamaica. St. Vincent Strambi Catholic High School received a generous donation from the Diocese last year as a result of the Art Show. The community attended a Jubilee Mass at the Cathedral in Mandeville to celebrate both the close of the Year of Consecrated Life and the beginning of the Year of Mercy. And finally, all of us, students, faculty and Brothers’ community have been busy with our own annual fund-raising events, recycling plastic bottle and the Christmas Raffle and Dinner. Enjoy the photos displayed in the newsletter, read about some of our students, and be assured that we are grateful for your prayers and support. From the Caribbean we send you the best wishes of the season that celebrates “Mary and her boy-child”, Jesus our Lord. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.