Bull Savannah, PA – The Christmas breezes have been blowing through Bull Savannah the past few weeks. Very windy and breezy, palm trees blowing in the wind but very muggy and humid afternoons. Different weather, no doubt, than you have in New York, Providence, Philadelphia, and the many other locations that this newsletter reaches. The last month has seen a variety of social events, liturgical celebrations and fund-raising activities both for our school and for the Diocese of Mandeville. For many years, now, the Diocese of Mandeville has sponsored an Art Show highlighting Jamaican artists. This gala event supports the many ministries and programs of the Diocese and draws many of the influential people in Mandeville as well as the surrounding areas. The Brothers’ Community and 9 other staff members attended this event which was held at the Don Bosco home, a Mercy Sister’s work here in Jamaica. St. Vincent Strambi Catholic High School received a generous donation from the Diocese last year as a result of the Art Show. The community attended a Jubilee Mass at the Cathedral in Mandeville to celebrate both the close of the Year of Consecrated Life and the beginning of the Year of Mercy. And finally, all of us, students, faculty and Brothers’ community have been busy with our own annual fund-raising events, recycling plastic bottle and the Christmas Raffle and Dinner. Enjoy the photos displayed in the newsletter, read about some of our students, and be assured that we are grateful for your prayers and support. From the Caribbean we send you the best wishes of the season that celebrates “Mary and her boy-child”, Jesus our Lord. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
- Faculty and Staff who attended the Mandeville Art Fair – Seated: Mrs. Sandra Bennett and Ms. Kimesha Wright. Standing, left to right: Br. John McDonnell, Mr. Romaine Whyte, Br. James Dries, Br. Anthony Nguyen, Mrs. Kayla Morgan-Jones, Ms. Lucie Bent, Mrs. Sandra Scott, Mr. Errol Stephenson, Ms. Avia Raddish, Br. Jerome Cox, Mr. Lorel Morgan. Not Pictured: Ms. Jessica Bent
- Students held two fundraising events during the first semester: an ongoing collection of plastic bottles to save the environment and a “Bring-n-Buy”.Form 1 students Ronnia Jacobs and Travain Ramus bring a full bag to the office
- Faculty and students brought cakes and cookies to school to sell during break. Dean Bauld, Form 2, and Brother John purchase some goodies from Ms. Wright and her Form 2 class.
- Santinea Natassia Gordon, Form 5, hails from Bull Savannah and is a member of St. Vincent Strambi Catholic Church. She attended Bull Savvanah Seventh Day Adventist Primary School, and she is the second daughter of Dave and Ann Gordon. Her father is a bartender with the Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and her mother is a seamstress and shop keeper. Her favorite teacher is Ms. Bent who teaches her both Office Administration and Principals of Business. Santinea plans on studying in Kingston to become a cosmotologist. She “likes the individual attention that teachers give to the students”.
- Mickail “Mickey” Gordon, Form 5, is a Skills student from Ballards Valley, where he attended Ballards Valley Primary School prior to enrolling at SVS 2 years ago. He is the son of Martin Gordon, a welder and Diane Alveranga, a caregiver. He lives with his father and grandfather. Mickey plans on attending technical school for welding and to join his father’s business. “I am thankful for the education I am receiving at SVS and for the good teachers, the friends I have made, and the social aspects of the school.” (Mickey is sitting in an Adirondack chair he recently made in carpentry class.)
- Omar Simon Barrett, Form 5, came to SVS two years ago from Lititz All Age School as a Skills student but quickly moved into the college prep program. He is the only child of Simon and Susan Barrett from Lititz. His father is a barber and his mother, a grocery store owner. He attends the Church of God in Downs, and he enjoys playing football and basketball. Omar hopes to attend the Police Academy and to help his community reduce crime. “I like SVS because we learn how to respect others and to become one big family – out of many people, one nation”. (The Jamaica Motto)
- Celine Rosemarie Barrant, a Form 5 Prefect, from Ballards Valley, is one of five children of Edmund Barrant, a training officer for a local cable company, and Susan Mitchell, a farmer. Celeine completed her primary education at Munro Prep, and she lives with her mother. Her favorite subject is social studies, but plans next year to study medicine in Florida where her grandparents and aunts live. Her activities today include the Strambi Drama Club and surfing the net. Celine likes SVS because “it is a small school and everyone knows each other.”
- The Brothers celebrated Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 10th after decorating the Christmas tree. Pictured, left to right: John McDonnell, Anthony Nguyen, Jerry Cox and Jim Dries. All headed home for the holidays-to Philly, San Jose, Naragansett and Manhattan.
- Patsy, Janet, and Nellie, members of the parish, started the fires at 4:45 AM for the cooking of the meats for the Annual Christmas Dinner and Raffle. Dinners included a choice of goat, pork, chicken and ham, as well as rice and a variety of salads – a real bargain for $3.50 USD !
- All of the faculty and staff were involved in setting up, cooking, serving, delivering, and cleaning up. More than 200 meals were delivered to local businesses by the Principal and students, and 400 meals were served to the students and their families and the Bull Savannah community.
- After the dinner and throughout the concert, twenty prizes were raffled which included small appliances, wines, cosmetics, kitchen and tableware, and three CASH prizes of $500 USD, $300 USD and $200 USD.
- Throughout the day Ms. Wright collected dinner and raffle tickets and money. The fund raising event netted almost $4,000 USD for the school.
- Throughout the day Mrs. Scott and Ms. Raddish, pictured left, collected dinner and raffle tickets and money. The fund raising event netted almost $4,000 USD for the school.