During the Huether Lasallian Conference, November 16-18, 2017 in Denver, CO, attendees gathered in a District casa community. Participants from the District of Eastern North America were invited to share their unique perspectives and experiences and provide insights for our District’s 2020+ Strategic Plan. 

Discover Vision 2020+ Now

Brother Visitor, Dennis Lee, along with Strategic Planning Committee members present brought our Lasallian educators up to speed on the work done so far, and posed important questions to smaller breakout groups centered around the four areas of planning – Brothers’ Vocation, Association/Formation, Service With the Poor, and Evangelization.

See also: DENA Lasallians Gather at Huether 2017

From Youth and Family Services, Elementary and Middle Schools, Secondary Schools, and Higher Education, all ministry types were represented and heard. Findings and recommendations based on this input, as well as the recent District-wide survey will be available in the new year.