Christian Brothers Academy – Syracuse Art Club students designed a birdbath to be raffled off at the 2013 Celebration of HOPE which was held at the OnCenter on Friday, Nov. 1.

This is the second year that students in Art Club have constructed the birdbath for the HOPE for the Bereaved event. Each of the tiles were designed, hand built and glazed by the students.

According to the students, the contrasting colors of the mosaic tiles in this year’s birdbath design represent diversity as well as unity. The cloud represents unity through the good and bad times. The sun and moon display that although people are different in appearance, they are all part of the same sky. The stars represent light, which means to grab hold of light when things seem dark. The rays reaching out into the sky represent people reaching out to each other.

The design team consisted of sophomores Maria Hill, Melissa Boehlert, Anna Goebel, Katie Kong, Olivia Malvasi, Jordyn Landes and Emily Tygart. Art faculty member Mrs. Bobbi Petrocci is the advisor.

Founded by Therese Schoeneck, HOPE for the Bereaved has been helping grieving children and adults for 35 years.


: CBA sophomores Anna Goebel, Melissa Boehlert and Maria Hill with the birdbath that the Art Club designed for HOPE for the Bereaved.

CBA sophomores Anna Goebel, Melissa Boehlert and Maria Hill with the birdbath that the Art Club designed for HOPE for the Bereaved.