Students from Saint Peter’s Boys High School in Staten Island traveled all the way to Freeport with bags of donated Thanksgiving food for each of our students and their families. Here are some of the students pictured with their teachers, left, Mrs. Patricia Calchi, and right, Mr. Salvatore Castellano.
Freeport, NY – On Monday, November 20th students and faculty from Saint Peter’s Boys High School, a Lasallian school located in Staten Island, visited The De La Salle School. In the true Lasallian tradition and in the spirit of Thanksgiving the group from Saint Peter’s arrived with food baskets for each of our students. On Tuesday, the school celebrated its annual Thanksgiving feast as a school community. The faculty and staff worked very hard to prepare a traditional meal of turkey and all of the fixings, a labor of love for the young men entrusted to their care. The celebration began with a beautiful prayer service offering thanks to God for his many blessings to all in the school community and Lasallian family.
An affirmation of the success of this ministry was evidenced the Saturday after Thanksgiving when 30 graduates of The De La Salle School gathered at a local football field for a game of flag football. They then returned to the school where they shared a Thanksgiving meal as brothers in the Lasallian family. Organized by the director of Graduate Support, Mr. Kevin Rall, this celebration has also become an annual tradition and cause to give thanks to God. Please pray that God will continue to bestow many blessing on the ministry of The De La Salle School and all of its graduates.