District Chapter 201518

The Brothers of the 2015 District Chapter

Marriottsville, MD – 50 Brothers gathered at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center in Marriottsville Maryland from August 12 -14, 2015. Armed with the mandates from the 45th General Chapter in Rome last summer, and the three Directional Statements and recommendations from the District’s Mission Assembly this past spring, Brother Chapter delegates went to work creating the blue print for the future of DENA’s educational mission.

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Br. Dennis addresses the Chapter delegates.

Lively debate and spirited commoraderie coupled with prayer helped guide the Brothers in their decision making. “We are vital to this mission even though our Lasallian partners are increasingly the protagonists in our ministries,” said Br. Dennis Malloy, Visitor of the District. “Let us accompany or Partners and formate strong and generous young men drawn to our religious life, our fraternal call.”

Brother delegates approved decisions and mandates that effected every aspect of the Lasallian educational mission from the care and formation of the young and senior Brothers, to the increased role of lay partners to take up the charism, to the exploration of new ways to move beyond the borders to reach children and students most in need of an education.

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Brothers John Crawford (left) and John Kane reflect on Br. Dennis’ opening remarks.

“The District Chapter was a positive gathering that reflected consensus and unity among the Brothers and our colleagues throughout DENA,” said Br. John Crawford, FSC. “We reaped the benefits of lots of prior dedicated preparation and careful work by the various committees of the Chapter, so that our actual time together was spent effectively and well.”

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Br. Richard Buccina reports to the Chapter Delegates.

“The spirit of fraternity and zeal was evident in all our discussions and formal actions,” said Br. Richard Buccina, FSC, chairman of the Brothers in the 21st Century Committee. “The Brothers of DENA will sense the forward movement of our District and our Institute in these positive Chapter Resolutions. ”


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