Brothers and Partners throughout the Lasallian world will gather to deliberate the future direction of the Instituteinternational-assembly-participants

4/22/13 – Rome, Italy – From May 5-17, 2013 delegates from each District throughout the Lasallian world will gather in Rome to help guide the Institute, ahead of the Christian Brothers General Chapter next year.

Under the theme “One Family, One Mission: Lasallians Associated for the Educational Service of the Poor,” delegates will tackle issues and goals to set the future direction of the Institute. The work done during this International Mission Assembly will be forwarded to The Brothers of the Christian Schools, to be voted on, and implemeted into the plans created for the Institute during their General Chapter, which only occurs once every seven years.

Some of the Mission Assembly’s objectives include:

  1. Position ourselves within the movement begun by the IA 2006
  2. To situate MEL within a global context
  3. Too create answers to current critical needs
  4. To make possible forms of collaboration in order to strengthen and optimize the international Lasallian network
  5. To enhance the future of the mission through structures that promote co-responsibility
  6. To become aware of, to encourage and to strengthen every form of Lasallian community in service of the mission

To learn more about the International Mission Assembly, check out the Lasallian Region of North America’s website, and check back here for the blog that RELAN particpants (pictured) will be updating each day from Rome, including posts from DENA’s participants.

The Regional Delegates’ International Assembly Blog >

DENA Participants:
Brother Charles Kitson, FSC
Mr. James Logan
Ms. Maryann Donohue-Lynch
Brother Frederick Mueller, FSC
Mr. Alan Weyland