The La Salle School at St. Gabriel's Parish

The following is a letter from the Board of the La Salle School at St. Gabriel’s Parish


Members of the school community of The LaSalle School at St. Gabriel’s Parish,


It is with heartfelt sadness and regret that we inform you of the closing of The LaSalle School at St. Gabriel Parish at the end of the current school year. This decision by the Brooklyn Diocese is a result of the vote on March 18, 2010 by the District Council of the De La Salle Christian Brothers to terminate their canonical sponsorship (financial guarantor) of the school. Over the last few years, the School has relied on the District Council for funding to make up the shortfall between tuition, fund raising, and the ever-increasing costs of operating the School in these economically challenging times. The Brothers are no longer able to make this commitment. Absent this financial guaranty, Diocesan policy requires the school to be closed at the end of the 2010-2011 school year.


We know this action comes as a shock to many of you, and the pain and anguish of St. Gabriel’s closure will be felt by the entire school community.


At this time, the Board wishes to express our gratitude for the hard work, devotion, and leadership Brother Edward Shields, FSC, has shown over his long tenure at St. Gabriel. We would also like to thank all faculty and staff (present and past), who have given their talents and tireless efforts for the students and families of the school community.


We have been assured by the Diocese that they will assist Brother Edward during this period of transition to place students in new schools and to assist our teachers in their search for new employment.


Finally, we also thank all of you for the support and dedication you have shown over the years. St. Gabriel has thrived for seventy years because of the spirit and enthusiasm of the students, parents, faculty, and staff. The faith and education we have received will live on forever and give us strength and hope for the future.


Live Jesus in our hearts!


The Board of the LaSalle School at St. Gabriel Parish,


  • Kevin Averill, Chair
  • Kenneth Childs, Vice-Chair
  • Frank Arcabascio
  • Eileen Brennan
  • Thomas Brennan
  • Paul Camilleri
  • Mark Codd
  • John Fellin
  • Brother Daniel Gardner, FSC
  • Vito Giannola
  • Carolee Hildenbrant
  • James McCormick
  • Sherese Mitchell
  • Rev. Jean-Pierre Ruiz
  • Brother Edward Shields, FSC
  • Alan Weyland