11/8/11 – Freeport, NY – Campaigning ceased at The De La Salle School on Tuesday, 8 November when we, too, had our election day. Congratulations to the following students selected by their peers for the office noted: President: Russell F.; Vice-President: Adrian A.; Secretary: Christian B.; Treasurer: A. J. E.; Sixth Grade Representative: Luis B.; Fifth Grade Representative: Ryan C.



Students freely chose to vote during the time allocated for recess and 97 % of those in attendance at school that day cast their ballot. This exercise in civics was preceded by speeches by the candidates, campaign signs posted in the building, and a “Meet the Press” type question period by the faculty during Morning Assembly on Monday.


We heard articulate speeches, saw attractive signs, and witnessed courageous young men who stood in front of the student body to elicit their support.

The first project the newly elected leaders will address is a Thanksgiving drive on behalf of homeless veterans. Deacon Bruce from Our Holy Redeemer Parish, and himself a veteran, is working with our Student Council members on this task. It is great to witness our students mobilizing for this compassionate and generous action.