Philadelphia, PA – At La Salle University in Philadelphia, our Young Lasallian educators, ages 23 – 35 gathered for the bi-annual VEGA conference, from August 3-7. VEGA, referencing one of the brightest stars in the night sky and an Italian acronym for the words Vedere, Giudicare, Agire meaning See, Judge, Act, these formation participants were educated about the founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, by Lasallian contemporaries.
Getting a deeper understanding of De La Salle’s spirituality and pedagogy, newer educators learned about the larger Lasallian global mission, and their role in it. For young Lasallians that have served the mission for a number of years and have had some other formation experiences, a different educational track was offered. Discussing the decisions and mandates of international gatherings like the 45th General Chapter, learning skills of effective leadership, and thinking about the Lasallian educational mission in the context of the larger Church were some of the topics covered.

The Young Lasallians Steering Committee – Sarah Laitinen, Maryann Donohue-Lynch, Sophia Cartagena, Christopher Panepinto, Fiona Suddaby, Matthew Joram (seated), and Maggie Naughton (seated).
“I was really happy with how much energy and openness everyone had from the first minute of the conference,” said Maggie Naughton, co-chair of the Young Lasallians Steering Committee, and one of the program’s coordinators. “I think adult formation is a key component to feeding people’s spiritual and professional needs.”
Intensive lessons, and opportunities for community service and association helped participants grow in faith, and give them the zeal to return to their home ministries to teach, and spread the message of the mission to their Lasallian colleagues.
“By offering these opportunities we return adults to their ministries crackling with zeal for our Founder and the bonds of association. There’s no way that can’t translate into better interactions with the children entrusted to our care,” said Naughton.