West Warwick, RI – Tides Family Services is pleased to share that the agency has been expedited through the Council On Accredidation’s (COA) Pre-Commission Review.

COA is an important component of the transparency and integrity of the Tides Family Services agency and contributes to the overall advancement of the work the agency and its Lasallians do.

Tides was evaluated on all aspects of compliance adherence and was interviewed on management and processes of Tides activities. This included staff and family interviews across sites. The lead reviewer commented that there are only 2 sites she has visited that are “really grass roots” – an agency in rural Zambia, and Tides. The team reported that it was evident that every role from the Board of Directors to the direct service staff and through family interviews; “Tides truly lives the mission,” “Other organizations think they walk the walk, you all genuinely do-and never give up.” They acknowledges a strong sense of mission and trust among families and staff members for one another.

Dear Brother Michael Reis, FSC, Chief Executive Officer:

On behalf of the Council on Accreditation (COA), I am delighted to inform you that Tides Family Services, Inc. has been reaccredited.  In addition, Tides Family Services, Inc. was expedited through the Pre-Commission Review Report (PCR) process as a result of not receiving any out of compliance ratings in any of the fundamental practice standards.  Congratulations on this amazing achievement.

Because Tides Family Services, Inc. was expedited, you will not be receiving a PCR. As a next step, I would like to encourage you to share this wonderful accomplishment with your staff, board of trustees, funders, regulatory bodies and all of your other stakeholders. 

In four weeks, or upon financial clearance, you will be receiving your formal reaccreditation notification letter, Final Accreditation Report, and an accreditation plaque. We encourage you to display this plaque in an accessible public space where staff and clients can easily take notice and feel confident and proud to be part of Tides Family Services, Inc.

COA’s program of quality improvement is designed to identify providers that have met high performance standards and have made a commitment to their stakeholders to deliver the very best quality services.  COA is proud to recognize Tides Family Services, Inc. as one of these outstanding providers, and we wish you the very best in your continuing work with the individuals you serve.

On behalf of the COA staff and board of trustees, congratulations again on your achievement.