
The Brothers at Calvert Hall attended the funeral ofArchbishop Francis Keough (Baltimore), who had been an Affiliated Member of the Christian Brothers.

News Briefs of Baltimore, December 1961, p. 3.
Brother Cornelius Peter

Brother Cornelius Peter

Brother Cornelius Peter, Director of the La Salle Military Academy (Oakdale) and VP of the Christian Brothers Educational Association, died at the age of 52 of a heart attack on December 2. He was held in high esteem by all and his impact was far-reaching.

News Briefs of Baltimore, November 1961, p. 6 and also LI-NE Newsletter, December 15, 1961, p. 1
Brother Bonaventure John

Brother Bonaventure John

The community at De La Salle Collegiate (Detroit) was saddened by the sudden death of Brother Bonaventure John, who was found dead on Thanksgiving morning. The funeral was held at a nearby Catholic church which was overflowing in attendance.

New York Newsletter, January 1, 1962, p. 3.


The Provincial of LI-NE, Brother Anthony Joseph, obtained all four superior diplomas in the Institute Religion Exams. He is the second Brother in the District to do so.

LI-NE Newsletter, February 15, 1962, p. 2.


Brother Eliphus Victor as the Assistant Superior General and the election (June 16, 1961) of Brother Charles Henry (Buttimer) as his successor

Brother Eliphus Victor as the Assistant Superior General and the election (June 16, 1961) of Brother Charles Henry (Buttimer) as his successor

As 1961 drew to a close, it was the consensus of most Brothers that a very salient event that year was the resignation ofBrother Eliphus Victor as the Assistant Superior General and the election (June 16, 1961) of Brother Charles Henry (Buttimer) as his successor.

New York Newsletter, February 1, 1962, p. 16; and also Bulletin des Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes, October 1961, p. 157; and also FSC, September 1961, p. 3.

25th Jubilee

Brother Cleophas James

Brother Cleophas James

A Mass, a full dress parade by the cadet corps, and banquet are on the agenda for the 25th Jubilee celebration of Brother Cleophas James at La Salle Military Academy (Oakdale).

LI-NE Newsletter, February 15, 1962, p. 5.

50th Jubilee


Brother Amator Leo recently celebrated his 50th Jubilee as a Christian Brother.

FSC, December 1961, p. 4

Brother Abdon Lewis will celebrate his 50th anniversary as a Brother on February 1.

New York Newsletter, December 1, 1961, p. 1

Brother Alfred Arthur will observe his 50th anniversary as a Brother on February 24.

New York Newsletter, December 1, 1961, p. 1


Brother Amandus Leo

Brother Amandus Leo

Brother Amandus Leo was scheduled to receive the Manhattan College Alumni Medal at the 93rd Annual Alumni Banquet on February 10. Later that month, Brother Leo will be honored as “Engineer of the Year” by the Bronx County Chapter of the NY State Society of Professional Engineers.

New York Newsletter, February 1, 1962, pp. 6-7.

Harold Ryan (Class of 1930) became the first alumnus of St. Joseph’s HS (Detroit) to be elected as U.S. Representative from the 14th District on February 6.

New York Newsletter, March 1, 1962, p. 5.
Bishop Joseph McVinney

Bishop Joseph McVinney

The January 1962 Institute Bulletin published article aboutBishop Joseph McVinney of Providence recently becoming an Affiliated (honorary) Member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Bulletin des Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes, January 1962, pp 42-43.