Brother Galdus Paul, New Provincial

Brother Galdus Paul, New Provincial

Brother Galdus Paul, New Provincial

Brother Galdus Paul (Gartland) was named as the new Provincial of the Baltimore District. Brother Paul had been the Director of Novices (1934-36) at Ammendale prior to this appointment.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), September 1936, pp. 9-10

12 Robed at Ammendale, 23 First Vows

Twelve young men received the Robe of the Christian Brothers at Ammendale on September 7. The following day, 23 Novices pronounced their First Vows in the same chapel, and will move on to their new assignments.

Gordian Peter Celebrates 50 Years

Brother Gordian Peter

Brother Gordian Peter

Brother Gordian Peter (Brennan) celebrated his 50th Anniversary as a Christian Brother on October 11. For many years Brother Peter was the Director of St. Emma’s in Belmead (VA), a trade and agricultural school for African-American boys.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), December 1936, pp. 23-24

Esteemed Teacher at St. Gabriel’s Hall (Audubon, PA) Dies

Brother Daniel Alpheus

Brother Daniel Alpheus

Brother Daniel Alpheus(Knorzer) died on October 13 in Philadelphia. Brother Daniel was the longtime head of the manual training at the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys (renamed St. Gabriel’s Hall). He taught the boys many skills involved in woodcarving, cabinet making, carpentry, and painting. So many of the young men assigned to “The Pro” had been branded with the label of “incorrigible,” but when they came into his workshop, these boys soon caught Brother Daniel’s enthusiasm for woodworking, and performed their tasks as diligently as their mentor.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), December 1936, pp. 25-26

Scranton President Celebrates 50 Years

Scranton President Celebrates 50 Years

Scranton President Celebrates 50 Years

Brother Denis Edward, president of St. Thomas College in Scranton, celebrated his 50th anniversary on November 21 as a Christian Brother at a Mass in the Cathedral in Scranton. The entire faculty, dressed in academic robes, attended. [Brother Denis Edward earlier in time had served as the President of La Salle College.]

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), December 1936, pp. 24-25).

Longtime New York Catholic Protectory Brother Dies

On September 3, Brother Amelian Dionysius, Pro-Director at the New York Catholic Protectory, died at the age of 65. He spent nearly all of his religious life at the Protectory as a teacher, prefect, and supervisor of orphaned children.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936, p. 11.

35 Robed, 33 First Vows

At the conclusion of the 8-day retreat on September 7, 35 young men received the Robe of the Christian Brothers at Barrytown. One of them was Donald J. Dardis who became Brother Christopher Victor, but is known as Brother Christopher Dardis today. The following day, 33 Novices pronounced their First Vows and began further training at De La Salle College in Washington.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1936, p. 13.

Brother Philip’s 25th Honored

On September 9, a banquet was given to honor Brother Philip’s 25th anniversary as a Brother. A good number of Brothers attended, including Brother Austin, the Visitor of the Toronto District.