73 Years

On September 29, Brother Attalus Jerome will observe the 73rd anniversary of his entrance into the institute.

New York Newsletter, October 1963, p. 3 and also LI-NE Newsletter, Oct. 1, 1963, p. 7.

60 Years

Observing their 60th anniversary as Brothers in the New York District this autumn are Brothers Charles Bruno and Dalmatius Francis. Celebrating 25 years in the institute in the same district will be Brothers Adalbert Eugene, Albian Victor, Albinus of Mary, Ambrose Michael, Amphian Robert, Arator Matthew, Benjamin Benedict, Casimir Stephen, Cleophas Jerome, and Columban Patrick.

New York Newsletter, October 1, 1963, p. 3.

26 Robed

26 young men received the robe of the Christian Brothers at Ammendale and thus became novices. Afterwards, a crowd of 400 enjoyed a picnic supper in the grove.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1963, p. 5.


Adonas0001Brother Adonas Thomas (Lee) died on September 16. Information from Legacy NY District Archives at Manhattan College. He was the former director of La Salle Institute (Troy) and sub-director of the Junior Novitiate at Barrytown.

New York Newsletter, Oct. 1, 1963, p.16 and also LI-NE Newsletter, Oct. 1, 1963, p. 2



Stichter0001Brother Abdon William (Stichter) died on November 20.

Information from Legacy NY District Archives at Manhattan College.

Brother Robed

On November 11, Frank Willette was invested with the Brothers’ robe at Barrytown.

AFSC for Misses Margaret Brown and Ann Down

Affiliation (honorary membership) has been approved for Misses Margaret Brown and Ann Down for years of service to the Parents Guild.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1963, p.1.