Didymus John Provincial

Brother Didymus John (Quinn) was reappointed to another three-year term as the provincial of the Baltimore District.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 1

trans_donatianDonatian Edwin Dies

Brother Donatian Edwin (McAdam) died on June 10, 1963. He entered the Brothers in 1919 and diligently labored mainly at the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys (now St. Gabriel’s Hall) and at St. Francis Vocational School (Eddington, PA). Brother Edwin possessed a fatherly, zealous nature when working with these at-risk youngsters.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1963, p. 1.

Buttimer Receives Honorary Degree from Manhattan College

Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, assistant superior general, is scheduled to receive an honorary degree from Manhattan College at the June 11 commencement.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1963, p. 1.

Imar Raphael 50 Years as Brother

Brother Imar Raphael is preparing for this 50th anniversary in the institute on June 15.

Newsletter of the LI-NE District, May 15, 1963, p. 4.

New Vocation Director for Baltimore

Brother Gerald John (Thomas Wallace) has been named vocational director of the Baltimore District to succeed Brother Gervald Henry (Laffey), effective August 15. Brother Dominic Maurice (James Donovan) has also been named as vocational director, but will concentrate on recruitment for the junior novitiate at Ammendale, MD.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 1.

Bonaventure Exhange Brother

Brother Bonaventure (Miner) of the Toronto District is teaching history at La Salle College as an exchange Brother. “On loan” until June 1964 from the Baltimore District is Brother Dominic Charles (McGettigan) who teaches at Cardinal Newman HS in Montreal.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1963, p. 5.

50 Years fro NY Brothers

Observing 50 years as members of the New York District this summer are Brothers Auxilius William, Baldwin Robert, Chrysostom Basil, Clarence Josephus, Leo Aidus, and Apronian Maurice.

New York Newsletter, October 1, 1963, p. 3.

9 Brothers to Africa


Nine Brothers from the New York and LI-NE districts ventured to African missions in August.

Institute Bulletin, April 1964, p 105.