Brother to Bronx Planning

Br.-Amandus-Leo-Call Brother Amandus Leo, dean of the school of engineering at Manhattan College, was recently appointed as a member of the Bronx planning board by the borough’s president.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), March 1938, p. 46.

Brothers On the Move

On February 1, 1938, four men received the robe at the novitiate in Barrytown (NY) and began their year of spiritual training: Brothers Christopher(Burns); Celsus Edmund (McEwan); Bonitus Gregory(Walter); and Basilian John (Veale). On the next day, Brothers Celsus Jerome and Abdon Lewis departed the novitiate and entered De La Salle College (Washington).

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), March 1938, p. 47.


TransitionsJohnSmith006John T. Smithaffiliated(honorary) member of the Christian Brothers, died on May 21, 1938. He had been taught by the Brothers at St. Peter’s School and De La Salle Institute (NYC) and generously benefacted the Barrytown houses of formation and Manhattan College.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), June 1938, p. 61.