Appointment & Honors

Brother Christopher Victor was appointed full-time curriculum consultant and secondary school advisor for the superintendent of schools of the New York archdiocese.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1963, p. 1.

Brother Daniel Colman (Coogan) replaced Brother Firmus Aloysius (Connors) as principal of Bishop O’Connell HS (Arlington) in late May.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 1.

Brother Daniel Bernian (Kelly), president of La Salle College, will receive an honorary degree from Temple University in June.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 5.

50 Years

Br.-Azades-Gabriel-MaherOn March 19, Brother Azades Gabriel, affectionately known as “The Dean,” celebrated the 50th anniversary of his appointment to the faculty of De La Salle College (the Brothers’ house of studies in Washington).

New York Newsletter, April 1, 1963, p. 16



Dr. Raymond P. Sullivan, an affiliated (honorary) member of the Christian Brothers (1931), died on April 21. For over 50 years, he treated hundreds of Brothers and religious for nominal fees or no fees at all.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1963, p. 1.

Br.-Bernardine-Lewis-McEneaneyBrother Bernardine Lewis of the New York District, a member of the Institute for 30+ years, died on April 30, 1963; he was buried at St. Peter’s Cemetery, Staten Island.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1963, p. 17 and also June 1, 1963, p. 14.

Brother Elwarn Michael (Hurley) died on May 1, 1963, aged 74.He had been the director of the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys (today’s St. Gabriel’s Hall) for five years, and his 21 years of guiding the St. La Salle Auxiliary (1937-1958) at Ammendale placed this fund-raising enterprise on solid footing.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1963, p. 1.

TransitionBrFrncisBrendan014Brother Francis Brendan (Kredell), the cousin of Brother Gregory Cavalier, lost his lengthy battle with cancer on May 7, 1963. Only 33 years old, he was given an elaborate military funeral in Washington, where he taught for nine years. As one student wrote, “His lessons were never dull or boring….even though he taught history.”

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 2.

Miss Duval, who has labored over 25 years as a nurse at La Salle School (Albany) was accepted into the institute as a benefactor.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1963, p. 5.

David C. Broderick, an affiliated (honorary) member of the Christian Brothers, died in Connecticut on May 24, 1963. He handled the legal work of the New York District with thorough and complete attention.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1963, p. 1.

TransitionBFidelianClement015Brother Fidelian Clement (Rumbold), familiarly known to his confreres as “Wally the Wale,” died on May 28, aged 60. Proud of his Welsh birth and accent, he enjoyed literature and penned a humorous poem from the early 1940s entitled “Anselm’s Coming Back.”

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 3.