70 Years for Julius of Mary (Elsen)

TransitionBrJulius003Brother Julius of Mary (Elsen) celebrated his 70th anniversary as a Christian Brother on December 8. Born in Poughkeepsie in 1853, Brother Julius received the robe in 1867 and was sent to teach—at the age of 15 and before the end of his novitiate—to Hartford to begin his teaching career. He was a pioneer faculty member of the old St. Francis Industrial School in Eddington (PA) which opened in 1888, and eventually he rose to the directorship at Calvert Hall in Baltimore. Brother Julius died in 1941.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale), Winter 1938, pp. 4-5.

Senator O’Connor, AFSC

On December 22, a celebration was held at De La Salle College (Toronto) to honor the affiliation (honorary membership) of Senator Frank P. O’Connor into the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Over 50 persons attended, including Archbishop J. C. McGuigan

Annals of the De La Salle (“Oaklands”) community (1931-2001), p. 54

50 Years for Abban Philip

TransitionBrAbbanPhi004Brother Abban Philip (assistant superior general) marked the 50th anniversary of his habit-taking in December. On Christmas day, 1887, he received the robe at the Amawalk (NY) novitiate. Brother Philip holds a rather unique place in the Brothers’ legacy because he served as provincial of both the Baltimore District (1912-1921) and of the New York District (1921-1923). He was elected assistant superior general in 1923, and as such he supervises all operations of the Institute in the US, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and the Philippines. Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), Winter [December] 1937, p. 26; and also

Bulletin of St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale), Winter 1938, p. 6.

50 Years, Bernius Lewis and A. George

Two New York District Brothers observed their 50th anniversaries during autumn 1937: Brother Beronius Lewis and Brother A. George.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), December 1937, pp. 26-27.

Cardinal Villenueve, AFSC

Cardinal Villenueve of the Archdiocese of Quebec was presented Letters of Affiliation into the Institute by the Christian Brothers of that city.

Institute Bulletin, April 1938, p. 263.