Habit Taking for 25


25 young men (Class of Our Lady of the Star) had their habit-taking ceremony on Sept. 1 at Ammendale. On Sept. 8, 40 novices pronounced first vows and moved on to the Elkins Park (PA) house of studies (Anselm Hall).

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1962, p. 6.

Benedict Speaks

Brother Anastasius Benedict gave the talk at the habit-taking at Narragansett (RI) on Sept. 1 for the LI-NE District.

New York Newsletter, Oct. 1, 1962, p. 12.

NY Jubilarians Highlighted

Jubilarians of the New York District who appeared in the newsletter FSC in December 1962 include Brothers Andrew Stephen (Manhattan College Prep); Alban Aloysius (West New York, NJ); Clement Eustace (Barrytown novitiate); and Oliver Joseph (Barrytown novitiate).

FSC, December 1962, p. 3. PHOTO

Auxiliary NY Visitor Dies Suddenly

Brother Conall Alfred, Auxiliary Visitor of the New York District, died suddenly at Sangre de Cristo. Brother Alfred had been supervisor of high schools for the New York District for just one year.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1962, p. 2; and also Newsletter of LI-NE, Oct. 15, 1962, p. 2.

Jubilarian 25th

TranBrDulasMichael025Brothers Dabert Julian, Damian Luke, Firmus Aloysius, Dulas Michael (who died of a heart attak months later) and Fintan Andrew (all Baltimore District) observed their 25th anniversary on Sept. 7, 1962.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1962, p. 2


Bernard Flynn (Calvert Hall alumnus and lawyer) and Mrs. Patrick Gillon (zealous St. La Salle Auxiliary worker) were granted letters of Affiliation; they thus became honorary members of the Christian Brothers.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, November 1962, p. 1.

60 Years

Celebrating their 60th anniversaries as Brothers in autumn 1962 are Brothers Didace Peter and Honeste Celestine. Golden jubilarians who will observe their 50th during 1963 are Brothers Conan of Jesus, Imar Raphael, Cantidius Anthony, and Charles William.

New York Newsletter, October 1, 1962, p. 2.


Brother Clement Peter Lamoureux, a teacher at Bishop Loughlin in Brooklyn, died in fall 1962.

Newsletter of LI-NE, Nov. 15, 1962, p. 4.

TranBrDulasMichael025Brother Dulas Michael (Murphy) died in Philadelphia at the age of 44 of a heart attack on November 29, 1962. His necrology noted that Brother Michael’s personal impulsiveness and intensity were counterbalanced by an unflagging interest and total attention he gave to each student.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, November 1962, p. 1.

A tragic situation in Newport, RI on October 29: Two cars with De La Salle boys and a young lady from Elmhurst Academy collided head-on. The young lady died the following day, while the DLS students were in serious condition.

Newsletter of LI-NE, Nov. 15, 1962, p. 5.

Two of the administrators of the St. Joseph’s Junior Novitiate (Barrytown) represented the Brothers at the funeral of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin Roosevelt, at Hyde Park, NY.

Newsletter of LI-NE, Dec. 15, 1962, p. 4.

The chaplain of St. John’s Training School (Uxbridge, ON) died on October 13. Rev. Allan E. Quinlan was 63 years old.

Annals of St. John’s Training School (Toronto/Uxbridge), p. 384.