What is the role of Catholic religious life?

Riverdale, NY – The 21st century has brought with it many challenges, from the violent acts of extremist groups and the refugee crisis to a declining number of religious women (sisters and nuns) and men (brothers and priests). How will we respond to the call of Pope Francis to work for social justice?

Manhattan College religious studies professors Kevin Ahern and Natalia Imperatori-Lee recently sat down with Sister Arlene Flaherty, OP, and Brother Ernest Miller, FSC, to explore the future of the prophetic mission during a panel sponsored by the College’s departments of Catholic Studies, Religious Studies, Peace Studies and the office of Mission. The event was attended by members of the Manhattan College community, as well as many religious people from around the world.

Br. Ernest, who serves as vice president for mission at La Salle University, noted two shifts that have resulted from Pope Francis’ unconventional approach to the papacy: a shift from a focus on dogma and doctrine to the pastoral life of the church and the increased emphasis on “prophetic hope.”

The term comes from the ninth chapter of Zachariah, which tells of the prophet speaking from God and addressing the Hebrew people who have come from Babylonian exile.

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