Br. Ghebreyesus invites the young men of Central Catholic to “walk hand-in-hand with Lwanga students.”

Eatontown, NJ – Just concluding his second visit to the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) since 2014, Br. Ghebreyesus Habte, FSC, visited 13 ministries throughout the U.S., including five ministries of the District of Eastern North America. From Tuesday, May 2,  to Tuesday, May 23. Br. Ghebreyesus shared photos, stories, and messages of appreciation from Lasallian Twinned schools with our Lasallian students and administrators at Calvert Hall College High School, Central Catholic High School, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Christian Brothers Academy – Syracuse, and Christian Brothers Academy – Lincroft, as well as in the San Francisco-New Orleans and Midwest Districts.

As the Visitor / Provincial of the Lwanga District, Br. Ghebres oversees the Brothers, Partners-in-Mission, Communities, and Lasallian ministries in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. For more than 20 years the Twinning program, coupling RELAN ministries with Lwanga ministries to help raise funds and awareness of the larger Lasallian family, has been a major support for Lwanga schools, providing for new technology, updating school facilities, and expanding educational programs for the economically poor. Br. Ghebres, as part of his tenure as Visitor, has made strengthening the Twinning program part of his goals during his administration.

“For many of our Twinned ministries the relationship is stronger now than ever, thanks to technology,” said Br. Ghebres. A number of ministries in DENA, as well as RELAN, have created Skype connections with their Twin school to have more of a face-to-face experience. Br. Ghebres has also been diligent in sharing photos and stories with the Region’s administration, as District ministries continue to share highlights of their daily realities. “I truly believe these types of collaboration are creating a sense of nearness to each other.”

Throughout his time here in DENA, Brother G was able to share the impacts of Twinning on ministries with students. At Calvert Hall College and St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Brother explained to the young men, that with their support along with other RELAN schools twinned with Mount La Salle College in Naka, Nigeria, they were able to purchase 51 new computers and create a new computer lab. “The entire atmosphere at Mount La Salle has changed,” shared Br. Ghebres. “The students are extremely grateful, and feel like they are getting even more out of their education.” With the support from Central Catholic and CBA in Syracuse, Child Discovery Centre in Nakuru, Kenya, is serving and providing for more children than ever before, Brother explained. Brother G was able to share with CBA Lincroft, twinned with the Nativity School in Shinara Village, Eritrea, that was where he came to know the Christian Brothers, because that was where he was educated as a child. Their example inspired him to become a Brother as a teenager.

In each of his visits, Br. Ghebres, thanked students for their sacrifices, and that because of their generosity and Lasallian bond, that each and everyone of them walked hand-in-hand with another Lasallian student in Lwanga.

“I am grateful for the impact that the Twinning program has on our Lasallian ministries, here in the District of Eastern North America, and in Lwanga,” said Br. Ghebres. “I also wholeheartedly thank all of the students, staff, administrators, and Brothers I’ve had the opportunity to speak with during my time here in the District.

For the full story of Br. G’s visit around the Region, click here.