Another school year begins, and Lasallian Volunteers are on the move, arriving at their respective ministries. Volunteers setting out from DENA, and those coming to us from afar, we look forward to the impact your faith and zeal will have on our Lasallian family, above all, on the students God has entrusted to your care. Thank you for the sacrifices you’re making; leaving family and friends behind, putting off career goals, or delaying something else close to your hearts, to accompany the young, especially the poor, in this mission of education. May you always find inspiration from the Founder, and from those around you, as you will undoubtedly provide inspiration to us! Live Jesus in Your Hearts!

May God guide you through this school year!

2014-2015 LVs Who Attended DENA Schools

La Salle University
Dan Bowers, Catherine Buck, Anthony Carbone, Liz DiPlacido, Samantha Hyland, Bridget Kennedy, Alie Manzella, Giovanni Palacio

Manhattan College
Megan McShane, Clare O’Connell, Carlos Orbe, Ivy Seraphin

La Salle Academy, Providence
Molly Allen, Tom Darnowski

La Salle College High School, Philadelphia
Dan Bowers

St. John’s College High School, Washington D.C.
Carlos Orbe