The first Regional VEGA Conference held at Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee

Young Lasallians from across the country and Canada gathered for the first Regional VEGA Conference.

As part of the formation program, Young Lasallians participated in a spiritual retreat at Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center, in Stanton, TN. Here, Lasallians took the day to reflect on their VEGA experience.

During the week, STAR sessions gave participants time to meet in their respective District groups. The District of Eastern North America VEGA delegates were planning their next steps after finishing the week in Memphis.
In the early “dog days” of summer, over 35 Young Lasallians and Brothers converged on Christian Brothers University in Memphis Tennessee, braving the heat for the USA/Toronto Region’s first VEGA Conference.
In an Institute-wide effort to engage, empower, and educate Millennials working in Brothers’ Ministries, VEGA, a Young Lasallians’ formation program, was created. The first VEGA Conference was held in Europe. VEGA, one of the brightest stars in the sky, was chosen by Young Lasallians as its symbol, especially because of its familiar presence in the Lasallian World (just look at the Brothers’ Signum Fidei Crest!). VEGA also captures the Young Lasallians motto, comprised of three Italian words: VEdere (to see), Guidicare (to judge), and Agire (to act).
With the Young Lasallians program touching down here in the USA/Toronto Region, VEGA delegates were chosen from all four Districts to attend this historic first conference. From June 20th through 26th, participants were immersed in an educational formation program experience. Learning everything from the humble beginnings of the Brothers, to the worldwide Lasallian network, to multicultural and diversity training, VEGA participants gained a great deal of knowledge, all while building community with each other through social and spiritual activities.
“This is priceless to me,” said Devon Stackhouse, a teacher at Martin de Porres in Springfield Gardens, New York. “I’m so glad to be a part of something like this,” he added, when talking about his experience at the VEGA Conference.
Many of these Young Lasallians didn’t know what to expect at the beginning of the program. But, engaging presentations tied together with prayer services and reflections helped these Young Lasallians become an energized group ready to head back to their ministries to spread their new knowledge of the Lasallian Mission.
“Seeing that there are so many people my age, wanting to be part of the same thing, and that we have people supporting us is amazing,” said Anita Godshall, Clinical Supervisor at St. Gabriel’s Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. “We’re a young excited group that wants to keep this [mission] going.”
“This is deep, and so much more universal than I thought,” said Stackhouse. “I see the big picture. I’m definitely committed because everyone’s job description is different, but everyone’s mission is the same: to put their all into kids.”
“…you young people are the best evangelizers of other young people. You can understand better their deficiencies, their projects and their ideas”
– Brother Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría , Superior General
Presentations and Presenters
Opening Mass – Pastor Maurice Nutt (Church of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Memphis, TN)
Personal Journey: Turning Points in the Life of the Founder
Bro. Larry Schatz, FSC (Auxiliary Visitor – Midwest District) and Tina Bonacci (Director of Formation and Accompaniment – Midwest District)
Association: History and Current Realities
Bro. Charles Kitson, FSC (Coordinating Secretary of Lasallian Family and Association – The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools)
Vocational Call: Lasallian Ecudational Mission/Pedagogy & Leadership in our Ministries
Christopher Fay (Principal – Christian Brothers High School, Memphis, TN)
The Role of Young People in Service and Social Justice
Michael Prat (Director of Lasallian Ministries – New Orleans-Santa Fe District) with Bill Baxley and Doug Jones (Attornies at Law)
United in the Lasallian Mission: The Role of Community in Lasallian Philosophy
Heather Ruple (Academic Dean – The San Miguel School, Providence, RI)
The Spiritual Dimension of Community/The Biblical Basis for Community
Bro. Tim Coldwell, FSC (Visitor – New Orleans-Santa Fe District)
Building Community in a Multicultural/Multi-religious Environment: Some Practical Principles
Heather Ruple (Academic Dean – The San Miguel School, Providence, RI)
Spiritual Retreat
Bro Tim Coldwell, FSC (Visitor – New Orleans-Santa Fe District) and Charles Legendre, AFSC (Campus Minister – St. Paul’s School, Covington, LA)
Prayer and Liturgy Sessions
Charles Legendre, AFSC (Campus Minister – St. Paul’s School, Covington, LA)
Planning Committee for VEGA, USA/Toronto Region
Michelle Batista (Director of Counseling – De Marrilac Academy, San Francisco, CA)
Tina Bonacci (Director of Formation and Accompaniment – Midwest District)
Alisa Macksey (Director – Lasallian Volunteers, Washington, DC)
Elissa Pensa-Cerros (Teacher/Director of Arts Alive!, Providence, RI)
Michael Prat (Director of Lasallian Ministries – New Orleans-Santa Fe District)
Bro. Robert Schieler, FSC (General Councilor – USA/Toronto Region)