Each Sunday Advent Reflection consists of:

  • A three part retreat session

  • Words of the Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle

  • The Gospel Reading in the context of DLS Method of Interior Prayer

  • Related song and video


Share your Advent prayers and requests with us at #Lasallian Advent and let us pray for the Lasallian family during this #300LaSalle celebration year of Lasallian Vocations!
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Welcome to the DENA Advent Retreat 2018

God becomes human in the sacred act of the Incarnation.

From the moment of Mary’s “yes” the human child begins to grow within her and there is a moment–a single moment–when the heartbeat of God becomes flesh and enters into time and space.

Pause for a moment and imagine…

A sacred spark.
The first beat of the infant’s heart.
A human electrical pulse of flesh and spirit,
then God takes on flesh and dwells among us.


As Lasallians we pray, “Live Jesus in our hearts…forever.” During this season of Advent you are invited to consider how Jesus lives in your heart. Do we allow our hearts to beat as one with Jesus? Do we open our heart to the “deep touch” of God? (LR4) How are we called to be the “heart of Christ” in the world today? Join us on this Advent journey inspired by Lasallian and Celtic spirituality.

Maryann Donohue-Lynch
Associate Executive Director
Office for Mission and Ministry
#300LaSalle — Celebrate the Year of Lasallian Vocations

Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the first Brothers lived with “one heart, one commitment, one life” and that oneness was to give witness to Jesus Christ, proclaim the Gospel and build God’s Kingdom primarily through the vocation of education.

Today, as Lasallians worldwide enter in to a Year of Jubilee and the celebration of the Trencentary (300) of the Founder’s Entry Into Eternal Life, Lasallians are invited to live with our “hearts on fire” for the Good News and the Lasallian educational mission!

“The pedagogy of the heart has a prophetic and mystical dimension. Today each member of the Lasallian family must be open to the deep touch of God, and heed the call to become together and by association the ‘heart, the memory and the guarantor of the Lasallian charism’ ” (R157)

We can only be Lasallians at heart if “our hearts are burning within us!” (LK 24:32)

View and Download Lasallian Reflection #4
Lasallian Hearts on Fire

Four Weeks of Advent

These weeks provide a sacred time in which we are invited to be present and mindful to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we prepare to celebrate the holy feast of Christmas. Advent beckons us to cultivate and deepen the sense of remembering that we are in the holy presence of God, that as disciples of Jesus Christ we are to work to bring about the reign of God, we are to be people of mercy and justice and that we must respond to the call of God in our life and be vigilante in our hope-filled actions.

Jesus: The Heartbeat of God is the 2018 Advent Retreat theme, and we offer Saint John Baptist de La Salle’s Method of Interior Prayer as a guide for personal reflection based on the Sunday Gospel Reading. The Method of Interior Prayer is a spiritual gift to us from our founder, for it invites us to slow down and spend time aware of the presence of God and of the actions of the Holy Spirit as the “Divine Disturber” our lives.