Embolden all Lasallians to take an intentional role in the promotion of a culture of vocations to the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Goals & Preliminary Tactics

  • Articulate and contextualize the call to be a Brother within the larger understanding of the concept of vocation by promoting a culture of vocations to the Brothers of the Christian Schools in our various ministries.
    • Formulate a core curriculum for students regarding vocations, specifically to the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
    • Develop and offer formation and orientation programs (workshops, retreats, classrooms) for students, teachers, counselors, parents, chief administrators, and Board members that focuses on vocation promotion as well as information/explanation pertaining to discerning a vocation to the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
    • Employ social media as the preferred method of communicating the stories of Brothers, their ministry, their consecrated life, and their impact on society.
  • Broaden our sphere of influence by inviting and engaging college aged men in the vocation discernment process.
    • Initiate and develop a program to reach out to college aged men.
    • Employ social media as the preferred method of communicating the stories of Brothers, their ministry, their consecrated life, and their impact on society.
  • Broaden our sphere of influence by inviting and engaging post-college aged men and young professionals in the vocation discernment process.
    • Initiate and develop a program to reach post-college aged men and young professionals.
    • Employ social media as the preferred method of communicating the stories of Brothers, their ministry, their consecrated life, and their impact on society.

If interested in offering suggestions or learning more about this strategic priority, please contact Br. Richard Galvin, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor

Brothers Vocation News

Vocation As Brother

Christian BrothersLast year, as part of our series on our strategic plan, we told you about many exciting plans for our vocation efforts. The vitality of the Brothers Vocation effort can experience explosive growth if all Lasallians accept the challenge to join us in the promotion of vocations. DENA’s vocation team has been enthusiastically working to create a system of supports that will help and encourage all of you who are in contact with young people.

According to the National Religious Vocation Conference, the average age of new members to religious life is 28. Therefore, the DENA Vocations Office created “Called to Rise”. This component of our efforts creates an opportunity to invite and engage young professionals and post-college-aged men in the vocation discernment process. Do you know a young man in his twenties or thirties who you think has the potential to be a Brother? Tell him today!! In addition, encourage him to contact our “Called to Rise” coordinator, Br. Edward Shields, FSC.

As part of “Called to Rise”, and in response to this COVID-19 moment, our vocation team has connected virtually, through Zoom meetings between interested young men and our newer Brothers, keeping alive the relational aspect so vital in vocation ministry.

Our vocation team even recently created a “Called to Rise” video featuring Brs. Steven Barbaro and Anthony Baginski who joined us in their forties, as well as Mr. James Corcoran, in his late twenties, who has decided to “come & see” by living community life and teaching in one of our ministries.

We ask you to please pray for young men discerning a Brother’s vocation and share this link with a young man who you think has the potential to be a Brother. 

Even better, when you forward the video, share with him why you think he has that potential.