Create a bold, compassionate and practical Lasallian vision, on the District level and on the local level, of what it means to serve “especially the poor” having looked critically at existing practices and assessed current needs.

Goals & Preliminary Tactics

  • Affirm and challenge the ways DENA ministries live out the five core principles of Lasallian education in addressing persons from the lower socioeconomic strata of society.
    • Disseminate information and stories regarding the ways that ministries currently serve those who are economically poor.
  • Develop and adopt an advocacy role for DENA within its mission to be especially for the poor.
    • Encourage attention to Catholic social teaching in curriculum and service activities.
    • Assist Lasallians to learn and practice Catholic social teaching as a catalyst for advocacy and systemic change.
  • Focus awareness on schools and agencies that experience difficulties and require support in securing their future.

If interested in offering suggestions or learning more about this strategic priority, please contact Mr. Alan Weyland, Executive Director of the Office for Mission & Ministry

Service of the Poor News

Service of the Poor Remains Central to Mission

Vision 2020+ continues to guide our mission priorities, particularly in the area of “Service of the Poor.” In the last two years several events and initiatives have highlighted our efforts to respond to this strategic imperative.

In cooperation with a Region-wide effort, The District of Eastern North America (DENA) has extended grants to our schools most severely impacted by the pandemic. These funds allowed them to purchase PPE, distance learning technology, cleaning supplies/services, etc. In addition, we have increased the financial aid we provide for students.

DENA’s mission expanded further in Florida when the La Salle Educational Center of Homestead was transferred to our District in January 2020. The Center serves families who work in the agricultural sector. Their children are able to attend this structured aftercare and educational setting. Additionally, the Center serves as a major food distribution site for families in need.

DENA has an instrumental role in a new initiative of the worldwide Institute, “Lasallian Women of Hope.” This program works to help address girls’ access to inclusive and equitable quality education. Projects are underway in Kenya, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Haiti, and the Congo.

The District also has continued to work with each of our schools to create a culture of service with our students. Opportunities include Twinning with a sister school in Africa, Advent programs to support Lasallian schools in Haiti, most recently “contactless” food and clothing drives, and much more.